The New Technologies Research Laboratory in International Relations (LANTRI) seeks to integrate the sistematic use of New Information and Communication Technologies (TICs) with the International Relations academic research, privileging free softwares and Open Sources.
This interconection is accomplished with the development os the researches that have as central focus the Brazilian Foreign Affairs or that present themes with significant impacts about Brazil.
LANTRI is a research group formally linked to the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) and to the directory of research groups of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development of Brazil (CNPq).

The area of Human and Social Sciences in Brazil faces some difficulties in absorving instruments that come from the new communication and information technologies in the research activites routine. The same situation happens in the International Relations specific area of studies. Therefore the general objective of this group is to increment the academic research in International Relations keeping a constant attention to improve the basic aspects of the cientifc work methodology in human and social sciences, searching for new mechanisms and technical instruments in spite of accomplishing a better use of this new technologies in the work of the researchers included in this group, as well as in all the academic production that we have.

The work done at the LANTRI has as main caracteristc to be an experimental project that has been lead by principles extracted from the work of Mariano and Bressan (2008), which indicates gerneral rules for the use of the new technologies in the Human and Social Sciences Reseraches:
a) The speed of the technology innovation demands for constant new solutions;
b) Solutions and investments applied, even though being efficient to a determinate quest, can become obsolets in a very short amount of time;
c) There is the necessity of, periodically, to reconsider the applied methods and research new solitions that comes with the technologies advances;
d) Technicals difficulties will appear during the assimilation of new communication and technologies process, but the most importat obstacle that must be foreseen is the resistence of the researcher in using an innovation;
e) It is important to priorize the use of OpenSource Solutions and, preferably, that are multiplatform, or at least that works for Microsoft Windows and Linux;
f) Prioritize the solutions already avaible in the market and that has a low cost as a way of diminishing the dependence of the specialized technical services, maximizing the injected investments;
g) Prioritize the use of soutions that demand a low technical knowledge to its use as a way to accelerate the user assimilation of the mechanism.
h) Necessity to understand and colect informations about the possibilities created with the technological evolution as a way to spare investiments in equipments, processes, programs or services that will be, in a short amount of time, suplantad by the high level of innovations;
i) Delay the investments in Hardware trying to foresee the possible software and services innovations, as long as it does not interfere in the work cronogram that must be done;
j) It's highly important to document every new process evaluation as a stratedy to develop patterns to compare technologicals solutions, also, for that the new users can absorve this information faster;
k) Before purchasing a new software or service it's important to test the possibility of distributing the right tasks to the existent solutions, or that it can be complementes by open-source Softwares, allowing to construct the pattern to compare the efficiency, speed and the cost of the software to be purchased;
l) The use of the Web 2.0 must be orientades by a redundant information strategy as well as by a data security policy to prevent data loss, not authorized acceces, data copy, or the paralization of the services (exemple Megaupload, Google Groups, etc.).
Bibliography: MARIANO, Marcelo P. e BRESSAN, Regiane N. Ciências Humanas e a Utilização das Tecnologias de Informação. IN: VIGEVANI, Tullo (coord.); BARRETO, Maria Inês; WANDERLEY, Luiz Eduardo; RAICHELIS, Raquel NOGUEIRA, Marco Aurélio (coord. técn.) et al. Gestão pública e inserção internacional das cidades. São Paulo: Cedec/UNESP/PUC-SP, nov. 2008, 1024p.
Research Themes
The LANTRI (New Technology Laboratory for the Research in International Relations) was officialy recognized by the CNPq Platform in 2011. Below we indicate all the reseach themes and activities present in the group since the beggining until the current ones.
2015 - Current- Regionalism, Politization of the Foreign Agenda and Democratic Institutions- Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Venezuela in a Compared Perspective
2013 - Current - The Regionalism in Latin America at the XX Century
2012 - Current- Brazil and the Negotiations about the agriculture in the GATT/WTO System: the brazilian experience in agriculture disputes and coalitions
2011 - 2013- Socioeconomic structure and South American Integration Politics - the south-american infraestructural integration.
2011 - 2012- Cientific Research Methodology in Human and Social Ciences and the New Information and Communication
2008 - 2010- The Brazilian Emplacement at the G-20: Foreign Affairs and Domestic Pressures
2004 - 2007- Global Cities: Public Administration and international projection
2002 - 2007- Human Sciences and the use of Information Technologies
2001 - 2007- Global Economic Restructuring and the liberalizing reforms in the underdeveloped countries.
2001 - 2003- Regional Integration and the Subnational States: the case of São Paulo in the Mercosur Integration
1999 - 2003- Strategic Public Management of subnational governments facing the international projection and latin-american integration processes.